Fur Babies - Mini Aussie and Maltipoo

Our Dog Family Here's a little peek into my family...I feel so blessed to have such precious fur babies.  Below is Riley, mostly my husband's dog, who is a 2-1/2 year old Mini Aussie, and Winston, mostly my dog, who is an 11 year old Toy Maltipoo.  Riley has a very high social IQ and is the…

Handmade Heart Necklaces - My Passion!

Heart Pendant Necklaces Working with heart shaped gemstones is one of my favorite elements when designing jewelry.  I love to hand solder the se heart stones, adding soldered beads around the edge to each stone for a "studded look".  Here are a few of my favorites:   I'll start with m…

Long Dangle Handmade Earrings

Artisan Made Gemstone Earrings Love making these long gemstone earrings. Below are some of my favorites. Rustic Kyanite Gemstone Earrings Raw Citrine Sterling Silver Earrings Light Gray Raw Crystal Earrings Long Rose Quartz Heart Cross Earrings Opalite Gold Spike Earrings Palm Wood Herkimer Diamond…